Raijintek Triton AIO Water Cooling Kit Review

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Continuing our testing of the Raijintek Triton at stock speeds.

Fans Low and Full/ CPU Full Load

FANS_LOW+FULL_CPU_FULL[1] 1.8_gig_fanslow_and_full_CPU_FULL_LOAD[1]

Now we move onto the results taken when the processor is Overclocked to 3.0 gigahertz.

Fans Low and Full CPU IDLE

FANS_LOW+FULL_CPU_idle[1] fans_low_and_full_CPU_IDLE[1]

Fans Low and Full CPU FULL LOAD. 3ghz Overclock


Already we can see the Raijintek outperforming (by a small amount) the much-loved Corsair H100 and by a larger amount.

Let us move on to our final Overclock shall we?

3.2 GHZ Overclock FANSLOW/FULL CPU Idle


3.2 GHZ Overclock FANSLOW/FULL CPU Full Load


As we can see the Raijintek Triton outperforms the Corsair H100 by the narrowest of Margins and easily cools more efficient than the Thermaltake 850 GT LCS solution.  However let us just take the first two contenders the Triton and the H100 for a direct comparision shall we?

Both of the above sport 2600 RPM fans and both support 240mm radiators, tyhen if we factor in that in sooth the perform very similar than one can only judge which is better for the consumer by price and other features. The Triton is around £30-£40 less costly than the Corsair model and the former is expandable to boot. Quite the bargain really.

Let us move on to the conclusion-in order to translates the results a little better.

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